Wines : List of wines
WINE LIST NR. 251 Summer 2024
VDP.GUTSWEIN - Riesling trocken (0,75 Ltr.)
Info of VDP.Classification...
VDP. GUTSWEINE are good, entry-level wines in the VDP’s hierarchy that inherently links wine quality with origin.
The wines originate from an estate’s holdings within a region, and they meet the stringent standards prescribed by the VDP.
The key to terroir-driven viticulture in germany
The VDP.CLASSIFICATION is based on an in-house statute of Germany’s Prädikat wine estates, in which the quality of a wine is defined according to “terroir,” i.e., origin and quality are inherently linked. For the Prädikat wine-growers, the vineyard site is the decisive mark of quality.
The goal of the VDP.CLASSIFICATION is to assess the quality potential of Germany’s very best vineyard sites; secure the future of Germany’s unique viticultural landscape; restore esteem for Germany’s outstanding dry wines; and underscore the traditional connotation of the Prädikats as attributes reserved for wines with natural, ripe sweetness.
01 // 2023 // SV
Georg Mosbacher trocken
feinwürzig, aromatisch, balanciert, 11,5 % vol, 0,75 Ltr.
01 // 2024 // SV
Georg Mosbacher trocken
feinwürzig, aromatisch, 11,5 % vol, 0,75 Ltr.
01M // 2023 // SV
Georg Mosbacher trocken
feinwürzig, aromatisch, balanciert, 11,5 % vol, 1,5 Ltr.
All wines contain sulfites.
SV = screw top (Schraubverschluss)
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