Winery : The winegrowers

Sabine Mosbacher-Düringer

Sabine : Mosbacher-Düringer

After completing her studies in viniculture at Geisenheim and working for several years in the international wine trade, Sabine joined the winery owned by her parents in 1991. She now runs the estate together with her husband Jürgen Düringer, thereby carrying forward the family tradition of passing the estate down from one generation to the next. She is primarily responsible for representing the estate, for customer care and for the training of the apprentices. Her experience and further training in international wines enabled her in 2004 to pass the "Diploma of Wines and Spirits". She has been involved in the "Vinissima - Frauen & Wein e.V." network of female vintners for several years and became their Chairperson in 2006.

Mitglied bei Vinissima - Frauen & Wein e.V.

Jürgen Düringer

Jürgen : Düringer

Jürgen grew up in a family of winegrowers in Ihringen, in the Kaiserstuhl winegrowing area of south-west Germany. He met his wife Sabine during their studies in viniculture and has managed the family estate since 1992. He is primarily responsible for the vineyards and for organising the work of the employees. He worked alongside Richard Mosbacher for several years and has in the meantime taken over responsibility for the development of the wines in the cellar. He is an official expert on wines and has in this role been involved since 1994 both in assessing quality wines and in judging wines at award ceremonies. Since 2001 he has been Chairman of the Forst section of the Farmers' and Vintners' Association.

Richard Mosbacher

Richard : Mosbacher

Richard and his wife Hildegard ran the family winery from the mid 1960s. His outstanding skill at making wine enabled him to lay the foundation for the current level of quality achieved by the family business. His know-how, in particular when it comes to wine tasting, is much valued both within the family estate and also amongst colleagues. He continues to take care of private customers visiting the estate.

Mitarbeiter des Weinguts Georg Mosbacher

Unsere Mitarbeiter

Andreas Weisbrodt (Mitte) ist als gelernter Winzer seit 1999 im Weingut tätig. Er ist verantwortlich für den "Außenbetrieb", d.h. alle im Weinberg anstehenden Arbeiten.

Thorben Randau (links) hat im Jahre 2012 seine Ausbildung zum Weinbau-Techniker in Bad Kreuznach abgeschlossen und ist seitdem Assistent von Jürgen Düringer mit Schwerpunkt im Keller und Weinausbau.

Christine Conrad (rechts) hat Wein-Betriebswirtschaft in Heilbronn studiert und ist seit 2013 als Assistentin von Sabine Mosbacher-Düringer v.a. für Weinberatung und Verkauf zuständig.

Wir sind Mitglied im VDPWine in Moderation - Wein bewusst genießen.Vinissma Frauen & Wein e.V.

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