Press reviews : 2015

November 2015 // Wine-Blogs from Hungary

Even in Hungary wine lovers appreciate our wines a lot, as these Blogs prove: and

September 2015 // Große Gewächse 2014

released Since beginning of September our top wines - the Grosses Gewächs (GG) - of the vintage 2014 are available. Before, they have been released to the national and international wine-journalists by the Association of German Prädikat Wine Estates (VDP). In general, the audience was very surprised by the high quality of the vintage. Here are some reviews about us:
In german: Rainer Kaltenecker -, Felix Bodmann - and Peter Schleimer -
In english: John Bindels - : 02.09.2015_De wijn-'elite' van Duitsland, Giles MacDonogh - : 01.09.2015_A Tasting Marathon in Wiesbaden and Gabriel Kurczewski - : 30.08.2015_New Wines from VDP Grosse Gewächs-First Impressions

February 2015 // smak - Vindatabasen / Restaurantguiden

There has been a nice articel about our basic Riesling on the online winedatabase and restaurantguide in Norway. Our 2013 Georg Mosbacher Riesling trocken has been rated as "Best Buy".
To the article:

April 2015 // The Wine Advocate

The well known U.S. wine critic and journalist Robert Parker has rated our wines in his magazine. Here are some of the results:
2013 Kieselberg GG Deidesheim Riesling trocken (RP 90)
2013 Ungeheuer GG Forst Riesling trocken (RP 91)
2013 Freundstück GG Forst Riesling trocken (RP 92)

November 2014 // 2015 Eichelmann Wine Guide


In the 2015 Eichelmann Wine Guide that has just been published we were once more awarded 4.5 stars and, as such, included in the group of "world-class estate wineries" (p. 692 ff.).
to the certificate...

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