Vineyard site : Deidesheimer Mäushöhle (mice hole)

Weinlage Mäushöhle Deidesheim/Pfalz

Grape varieties cultivated


Geographic situation

125 - 180 m above sea level
A sloping site which rises towards the plateau of the Kieselberg mountain

Soil structure

Sandy loam, partly stony soil, some weathered lime stone

Total area

30.8 hectares (77 US acres)

Origin of name

The name of this site has nothing to do with a mousehole but is derived from the sloping vineyard site owned by a family named 'Maus'. The German word 'Halde' for 'Hang' (slope) became 'helde' and finally changed to 'Höhle' (hole).

Wine features

This site produces fruity, mature wines which are well-balanced. They have a fragrant aroma of tropical flavours. The acidity of the Riesling wines from the 'Mäushöhle' site is rather reserved and delicate, but one of great elegance.

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